Live Amplify Presentation • Wednesday, 22 of March
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Use cases

How Amplify helps meet growing sales targets in regions without a sales force

Product Launch

New ways to drive share of voice and share of mind for your launch brand

How Amplify is helping pharma companies meet and exceed their ambitions during launch of a new brand or indication.

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How Amplify helps meet growing sales targets in regions without a sales force

Loss of exclusivity

Automate and personalise your communications to maintain share of voice

Enhancing website engagement with guided journeys with Amplify

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Customer story

How Amplify helps meet growing sales targets in regions without a sales force

How a global pharmaceutical company is taking a digital-first approach and using Amplify with their direct-to-consumer campaigns to increase HCP and consumer engagement.

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How Amplify helps meet growing sales targets in regions without a sales force


Self-service detailing explained: meaning, strategy & best practices

This guide provides an in-depth explanation of self-detailing — describing precisely what is, how it works, and giving you the best practices for implementation. For example, you will learn how to ensure smooth MLR approval and discover the special role that self-detailing plays in today’s pharma omnichannel strategies.

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Amplify's conversation can help HCPs navigate through your content


The self-detailing revolution

Learn how new self-service detailing systems harness the power of AI chat, no-code publishing, and high quality media — to deliver the on-demand services that HCPs want with the personalised engagement that they prize. Self-service experiences are fast becoming part of pharma’s HCP engagement ecosystem. They provide a quality experience 24/7.

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Amplify's conversation can help HCPs navigate through your content


Easily build your own self-detailing solution and increase your reach

Watch Rasmus Kalms, CPO at Anthill explore the typical use cases to show how Amplify works and how it can help elevate HCP satisfaction with self-guided detailing.

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Amplify's conversation can help HCPs navigate through your content


Amplify's conversation can help HCPs navigate through your content

Product Launch

The self-detailing revolution

Learn how new self-service detailing systems harness the power of AI chat, no-code publishing, and high quality media — to deliver the on-demand services that HCPs want with the personalised engagement that they prize. Self-service experiences are fast becoming part of pharma’s HCP engagement ecosystem. They provide a quality experience 24/7.

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Amplify's conversation can help HCPs navigate through your content

Loss of exclusivity

Easily build your own self-detailing solution and increase your reach

Watch Rasmus Kalms, CPO at Anthill explore the typical use cases to show how Amplify works and how it can help elevate HCP satisfaction with self-guided detailing.

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Get started with Amplify

  • Add self-service to your eDetail or Website
  • Limitless integrations
  • No-code
Start free trial
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No credit card needed, free 10-day trial